Link strategy explained


What truly is strategy? It is by definition, “a plan of action or policy designed to achieve an overall aim or desired future.” It is action-oriented items that we implement in order to achieve objectives. It is all about attempting to gain a position of advantage.


In business, it can help you best determine future directions and understand strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities. It involves stepping back from your day to day operations and asking yourself, “Where is my business heading and where should my priorities be?”


At LINK, we turn data into intelligence, fast and effectively, to create unique methodologies that enable us to solve complicated, multi-faceted challenges.


We use a triangular approach to create circular solutions through well-planned strategies! To ensure a sustainable project you must be sure to cover all the angles.


In our world, that means:


•    Attaining the greenlight for financing before implementation


•    Full spectrum Due Diligence


•    Ensuring all parts work together in harmony (99% of the time there are multiple entities)


Using this strategy, everybody is aware of their roles and responsibilities. When we bring strategy to life in full-scale projects, your goals are realized. This is a critical point since business is not just about the raw numbers, but the people that drive them. Their heart and soul matter to us, especially when entering emerging markets where the impact will be felt by many! One must have a solidified strategy regarding the local market and customs, competition and profit models among many things. A successful strategy in one market could be a failure in another. Without strategy, the path to achieving one’s business goals is not clearly defined and the business is likely to hit roadblocks without solutions to move forward.



Once we have set the overarching strategy, we dive deep into details and evolve specifically to contribute to the productivity of the project. We pride ourselves on the ability to focus with intensity on the final goal- success for our client and success for the people it will benefit!!